A multifaceted company offering a vast array of consulting services across ophthalmic training, consulting, travel and professional coaching
What is Coaching
The individual receiving coaching is referred to as the client. Occasionally the term coaching may be applied to an informal relationship between one individual who has greater experience and expertise than another or offers advice and guidance as the other goes through a learning process. This form of coaching is similar to mentoring or reference to a coach teaching a sport. The coach will help you set goals, evaluate the situation, and help the team find the best choices for a healthier, happier parenting or personal experience and life in general. The structures, models, and methodologies of coaching are numerous and may be designed to facilitate thinking or learning new behavior for personal growth or professional advancement. When coaching is aimed at facilitating psychological or emotional growth it is important to point out that it is different from therapeutic and counseling disciplines, since clients of coaching are not in therapy and a coach is not a licensed therapist. If these services are needed please seek a professional specializing in your area of need or ask your coach for a referral.
The purpose of the coaching is to help one to move forward in whatever way they want to move.
Deb is a Certified Professional Coach, teacher, and Parenting Coach, Certified. She believes that coaching will increase productivity and maximize potential, unlocking sources of productivity. She also holds certificates in many other genres. She has extensive experience qualifications and is certified in the following disciplines:
Professional Coaching
Deb works with clients on many different professional levels to
coach as partnering in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Professional Coaching assists the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believes every client is creative and resourceful.
Qi Gong and Reiki Sessions
Deb has been a certified Qi Gong Integral Qigong™ Teacher (IIQTC) since 2008 and recently received her master level certificate in Reiki healing. Qigong is slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to strenghthen the mind-body connection that reduces stress and imporves circulation therefore enhancing your overall health.
Reiki is a Japanese therapy that uses gentle touch to promote relaxation and well-being. It's based on the idea that people with low energy are more likely to be stressed or unwell, while those with high energy are more likely to be happy and healthy.
Parent Coaching
Deb coaches families in person who lives in Maine and New England in her office. She also coaches many by phone, ZOOM.us, or FaceTime, which has proven to work productively, especially from the comfort of your own home. Many clients say that, with their busy lives, phone and Zoom coaching works very well for them and keeps them on track when time is of the essence. They know that they have time scheduled to focus on the parenting challenges and goals on a regular basis from the comfort of their own home.
Parenting Coaching with Deb has helped many families acquire the positive parenting tools that they are desperately seeking and have not found in a parenting book. Coaching with a “live” person gives that personal touch not found in a book or on the Internet. Parents from all over the country have found that as they make some positive changes in their parenting style, positive changes quickly emerge in their children’s behavior.
Family, Relationship and Life Coaching
A life coach is almost like a sculptor who can look at you and see the potential for you to achieve all that you desire. Through specific strategies and skills, the coach helps you define yourself and create the life you envision. Coaches help you focus, provide direction, challenge you, support you, motivate you and celebrate with you.
Life coaches help you create a plan, detail action steps, and hold you accountable for following through. They use skills that include observing, listening deeply, asking empowering questions, challenging and motivating. Coaches do not counsel or analyze the past. Life coaching is based on the principle that the client has the fundamental ability to determine and achieve their goals. Everything is based on the present and what you want to achieve moving forward.
Resume Building, Pageantry, and Image Coaching
How does pageantry or image coaching fit with parent coaching? Deb has been a pageant fan all her life. As a Miss America fan and long-time volunteer, one of her role models is Lee Meriwether, Miss America the year she was born.
Dreaming that someday she would meet her. Deb’s dream came true when she wrote The Snapdragon Princess with Kim Parrish, an intergenerational story about a grandmother and granddaughter.
However, her dream resulted in more than a meeting. Ms. Meriwether wrote the Foreword to the book and Deb got to meet her idol and sit with her at a book signing at Miss America to learn about her life in the public eye.
This is one example of positive thinking and following a little dream that sits in the back of a little girls mind from age 7.
Deb has volunteered for many different pageant systems, judged, and coached many young women to bring out the best in themselves. She feels prep for a pageant, or anything in life, is like preparing for the Olympics, you must practice, focus and be yourself. Seeing that many women needed assistance in self-esteem and confidence-building she started using her skills as a coach and professional to empower women to be the best they could be and follow their dreams.
Deb is the Executive Director of the Maine Academic Scholarship Program, a program of Crossroads Youth Center, which holds an annual fundraiser and sends winners to the national scholarship competitions. The scholarship program is based on academic achievement and awards scholarships to both male and female students that excel in civic engagement and volunteerism.
Please don’t confuse this pageantry service with the glitz and exploitation of young girls. Deb does not coach young girls to participate in glitzy type pageantry nor supports these type of organizations. Coaching is strictly image building based on the individual's personal and professional goals to success in society, mainly resume building, interview skills, and professional image.
Her coaching leads many young women to success in winning national recognition whether with a crown or an award for outstanding achievement.
Wedding & Event Planning
Deb holds post-graduate certifications in Professional Coaching, Wedding Planning, Event Planning, Etiquette Training, and Image Consulting along with her parenting coaching.
For more information on Deb's event and wedding planning business, visit the PIA tab on this website. And learn how to make your special day create everlasting memories.
Author Visits and Staff Training
Deb holds certifications as a bullying prevention trainer. She is a published children's author. She visits the school and reads her books, with presentations on bullying prevention, kindness, and respect.
Training can be specific to schools, administration, and family needs.
You can see books by Deb at www.brysontaylor.com
To contact Deb, call us at 207-838-2146
Or email
Deb Landry, Certified Professional Coach Legal Disclaimer Notice
The information contained within my blogs and website is not a substitute for professional advice such as a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or counselor. The information provided by Deb Landry, PIA, or Raising Cain does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be. Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians and Therapists), not for a Life Coach, and business or professional coaching is not a substitute for engaging the services of a CPA or Attorney. Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold Deb Landry liable for any actions that you take. You agree not to hold Deb Landry, PIA, or Raising Cain or any employees liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated with you, as a result of materials or techniques, or coaching, offered by any of our coaches at PIA or Raising Cain.
Results are not guaranteed. We guide, not diagnose. The owner of and contributors to www.Brysontaylor.com,and www.RaisingCainPodcast.com accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm - real or imagined - from the use or dissemination of information contained on our sites, in person, or in our blogs. If these terms are not agreeable, do not engage the services. By engaging my services, you have agreed to all terms and conditions.